Shakshuka – A Single Skillet Brunch Experience

Shakshuka – A Single Skillet Brunch Experience


Cooler Kitchen love Melissa Clarke of The New York Times Cooking Section. Her recipes are well written and easy to follow, and she gives enthusiastic and helpful cooking tutorials in her video segments. You should check out her recipe for Shakshuka with Feta, which we’ve tried and tested over and over again with great success! In case you were wondering, this is what gets served at Cooler Kitchen headquarters when we

have friends over for brunch

We use our old Griswold cast iron skillet, which we purchased at a yard sale in North Carolina four years ago, but according to the internet it is probably been around in someone’s kitchen for at least 70 years! We take great care to never wash it with soap and keep it well seasoned. It’s truly one of our most prized possessions.

I follow Melissa’s Shakshuka recipe nearly to a tea, adding diced carrots with the bell pepper, and seasoning it with a little more cumin, salt and pepper than she prescribes. I serve it with simply toasted crusty bread and Kerrygold Irish butter. It’s a wonderfully filling and healthy breakfast, and it’s a fun brunch activity to let everyone share the experience of their meal from one skillet. Take a crack it at home this weekend, and let us know how it goes!


The post Shakshuka – A Single Skillet Brunch Experience appeared first on Cooler Kitchen.


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